Over a 100 Years Old Organization with a Young Hearth and Big Plans for the Future!
Polish-American Business & Professional Association, Inc. was founded in 1912, promoting Interests of Polish-American Businesses and Professional Individuals in Central Connecticut.
The PABPA seeks to provide a forum for members to discuss issues, challenges, and problems facing their businesses and professions; to provide aid and assistance to qualified youth of Polish heritage seeking a college education; to promote the interests of the Polish-American business and professional community; and, to foster unity and better understanding among the Polish-American business and professional community.
Any business or professional person of Polish heritage engaged in or retired from conducting his/her own business or in the practice of a profession, or who holds an executive or managerial position in a business enterprise, shall be eligible for membership.
Annual membership dues are $50; retired members dues are $25 per year.
Celem Zwiazku Polskich Przedsiebiorcow i Professionalistow jest promowanie polsko-amerykanskich interesow jak rowniez umozliwienie forum do dyskusji na tematy zwiazane z ich dzialalnoscia gospodarcza oraz z rozwojem ich firm czy profesji. Glownym celem organizacji jest udzielanie stypendiow dla uczniow szkol srednich, ktorzy zaakceptowani zostali na pierwszy rok studiow akredytowanej uczelni w USA.
Roczne skladki czlonkowskie wynosza $50, dla emerytow $25. Zachecamy wszystkich wlascicieli bisnesow i profesionalistow do wspolpracy. Po wiecej informacji prosze dzwonic na 860-951-8761 .